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The Earl Campbell Story -
Red Cross Boxes from Home & Souvenirs from the Front

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Jun 16, 1917, Somewhere in Belgium p.3
"I had a box from Clara. I took it up the line with me last Sunday night. I heard from May & Ruth to-night a big heap of letters was waiting for me here. A week is a long time to go with out mail over here." "Harold will know where we are here. I had a couple of cards from him. I know the place real well where he is working."

Jul 5, 1917, Somewhere in France p.2
"I wrote to Mother last week & I sent her a few handkerchiefs one for each of you. I had been carrying them with me for ages. And I received another box from home. One with the underwear in it." "All of my camphor is gone that other dope you sent is not much good for the creatures."

Aug 22, 1917, Belgium
Dear Merelda, p.4… "I had three letters from Clara since I came back tell Bertha Ireland I received her lovely card. I had a letter from little Mary Lawson last night. So you see old and young big and small writes to me. I was just saying to Art Brown last night a year ago we were on the old Olympic at Halifax. I thot I would be going home with my wound. But no such luck."

Aug 29, 1917, Belgium
"Dear Merelda, Well I must write and thank you for the box you packed for me. The R.Cross box you sent it the 1st of Aug. and I got it Aug. 27th. It came in good time did'nt it. Everything was jake in it. Nothing mouldy at all, that kind of paper it was packed in is very good for keeping it from moulding. I sure enjoyed eating it. I think the icing cake was the best of all. But it was all good allright. The next night I had a dandy box from Clara. So you see I got lots of boxes. I wish Mother would send me some more money. I think I must be getting to rich by now. So the next payment she get tell her to keep 10 or 15 dollars out. To have a good time over here 30 francs is not enough for me might as well have a good time here while you have the chance. "

Aug 29, 1917 Belgium letter to Merelda
p. 3 "Did Mother get the silk cushion yet? Well Merelda I can't write such a good long letter as you can. But I will write often to you all. Clara sent me a piece out of the paper with me being wounded. This is how it is worded
'Sap. Norman Earl Campbell of King, Ont. Is today reported wounded. His parents who live near King have received word to the same effect. Another Brother Harold has been invalided home. Norman Campbell before enlisting was a farmer. He enlisted in Feb 1916 and went overseas in Aug 1916. He is twenty two years of age and is unmarried',
hah .
What it is to be unmarried, eh. Look at the Girls You have when you get back. Well Merelda I will close now hope all are well at home. I am fine so far. Can't complain. But we are having awful wet weather. Wishing you all the best of luck I am your loving Brother Earl Please excuse this awful writing. I am getting worse than better. Jenkins does'nt get the chance to censor this one.
Last page of Earl's letter……

Sep 15, 1917 letter to Earl from Merleda
p.2 "We sent away 15 boxes last week – Kate & I packed yours. Mother will be sending you one this week & King people will be packing soon the proceeds of Pellatt field day goes to the King boys about 80 of them to send to."

Nov 8, 1917, letter to Pauline
"Tell Merelda I received the dandy box she packed for me of the Laskay Red Cross everything was jake in it. I have'nt it all ate up yet. I keep the good part of it for the last. The light ginger bread & the dark ginger bread. I also had a box from Merle last week. Henry had a lot of old chum and cigars in it. Allso a new Canadian pipe. I am sure I get every box that is sent to me. And am might glad to get them. The eats that are in them you no are quite different from what we get out here. There are just the two of us in our dugout. Bill Wellman and I. And when a box comes we make ourselves sore from eating. You should see our little home of sand bags. We have it bomb proof, but not shell proof.

Dec 5, 1917, Rest Camp, France
Have you received the box I sent about 3 wks ago yet. A silk apron for Merelda and something for you, Floss & Arch. The ring is a German ring. I will not tell you where I got it tho. I am sending Mother a souvenir of France a silk purse. But no money in it. She can put the money in it. Let me know if you got everything. I have not the box with the khaki gloves yet. But I guess it will soon be her. Mrs. Edwards send me a box I have not it yet either. How many cattle is Dad fattening this winter. And how many skins has Arch got hid away. Art Brown says he never got Arch's letter.

Dec 17, 1917 Rest Camp, France
Dear Pauline……..
I wrote to Merelda a couple of days ago telling her I received five boxes one from Mrs. Edwards, one from Vic Hall, Mr. Farmer, one from home. And one from the Laskay League. I had one from Merle & Ruth the week before. I am sure getting fat now. "

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